Parent Handbook


Mission Statement



Clothing and Supplies

Emergency and Disaster Plan



Enrollment and Termination

Exclusion Policy for Illness

Field Trips and Outings

Guidance in Morals and Manners

Guidance Policy




Hours of Operation


Infection Control

Meals and Snacks



Medication Policy


Open Door Policy

Payment Policy

Personnel and Staffing


School Aged Children


Toilet Training

Your Child's Adjustment


Mission Statement

The mission of Leary Family Child Care is to provide a child care environment that encourages child development at the appropriate level for each child and promotes positive learning experiences for all children enrolled. We want to help the parents teach their children to love and serve one another and to be law abiding citizens who have high standards and live moral lives.



We accept every child unconditionally as a worthwhile individual with a unique learning style. Every child's feelings of self-worth are enhanced through positive communication and interaction with caring adults and other children. Children learn to value others through meaningful play experiences.

Because we realize the importance of the early years, Leary Family Child Care strives to be a safe learning environment that is comfortable for the children and a resource for parents.



The home living area has been utilized to contribute to the development of the young child including thoughtful consideration of the following:

Some of the indoor activities: food preparation, clean up, dance, music, piano, puzzles, learning activities, cut, paste, color, dress-up, blocks, learn to dress, eat, tie shoes, etc., sing, tell stories, rest, skate, think, play with assorted trucks, trains, dolls, legos, waffle blocks, balls, toy dishes, etc., read, play dough, group games, build huts and other creative and imaginative things the child comes up with.

Some outdoor activities: swing, feed birds, garden, slide, climb, run, ride trikes, walks, water play and explore.

A schedule of daily activities for the week is given on Fridays. The schedule provides for learning activities in many areas, quiet and active play and a balance of large muscle and small muscle activities. The curriculum includes both child initiated and caregiver initiated experiences. The philosophy at Leary Family Child Care is to allow flexibility and natural transition between activities.


Clothing and Supplies

Children may need to bring a small toy or blanket. Parents must screen the things their children bring to be sure they are safe. Perhaps your child is old enough to be careful with the item but we must guarantee safety in the hands of any of the children. Make sure the item could not be used to damage property. Never allow children to bring gum, coins, marbles, chapstick, candy, toy guns, makeup, pocketknives, etc. Leary Family Child Care is not responsible for the loss or damage of personal belongings or clothing.

Children who can walk are required at all times to wear shoes except when napping or playing in the sprinklers.

Please bring disposable diapers and wipes for children still wearing diapers. Children who are toilet training must wear pull-ups or diapers until they have become dependable. Children must bring extra changes of clothing to be used in case of accidents or spills.

When the temperature is above 80 please bring a swimming suit and towel each day for water play. When it is cold every child needs to bring a coat. Boots and mittens are needed for snow play.

If child care supplies are used by the child they must be returned or replaced.


Emergency and Disaster Plan

Leary Family Child Care is concerned about the safety and well being of children in the event of an emergency or disaster. If this child care home becomes unsafe, the children will be taken to a neighbor's house. Emergency drills are held periodically to acquaint your child with evacuation and emergency procedures. Any injuries will be treated. First aid will be given. We will attempt to contact parents after emergency personnel have been contacted.

If the caregiver is ill or needs to leave, a substitute caregiver who is 18 years of age or older will care for the children. Brian Leary has been approved by the State Office of Licensing to provide substitute care at Leary Family Child Care. Parents will be given notice if there is to be a substitute caregiver whenever possible.


Enrollment and Termination

All children enter the program on a two-week trial basis during which either party may cancel the enrollment. There is no obligation to continue in the program during the two-week period. All forms must be completely filled out and returned before a child enters the program. The Parent/Caregiver Contract may be terminated at the caregiver's discretion with 30 days' notice. Two weeks' notice/payment is required before the contract is dissolved by the parent and the child is removed from enrollment. Notice of at least 30 days will be given to change hours, fees or delicensing. The caregiver may terminate the contract without giving any notice if the parent/guardian does not make payments when due.


Exclusion Policy For Illness

A child will be excluded from care if one or more of the following conditions exist:

  1. The child has a fever as defined by the child's age as follows:
    Infants younger than 4 months of age: rectal temperature greater than 101 F. or 100 F axillary.
    Children 4 - 24 months: rectal temperature greater than 102 F or 101 F. axillary.
    Children older than 24 months: oral or axillary temperature greater than 102 F.
  2. Uncontrolled Diarrhea, which is defined as an increased number of stools compared to the child's normal pattern, with increased water and/or decreased form that is not contained by the diaper or toilet use.
  3. Vomiting illness with two or more episodes of vomiting in the previous 24 hours.
  4. Mouth sores with drooling.
  5. Rash with fever or behavior change.
  6. Infected eyes with discharge.
  7. Ringworm, impetigo, scabies, head lice or pinworm, until 24 hours after treatment was begun.
  8. Strep throat, until 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has been started and the child has been without a fever for 24 hours.
  9. Chicken Pox, until six days after the onset of rash or until all lesions have dried up and crusted over.
  10. Rubella, tuberculosis, whooping cough, mumps, measles, hepatitis, until the child's physician or the local health department states the child is non-infectious.
  11. Any other illness that could be passed on to the rest of the children in the child care home.
  12. Children who are unable to participate in outside play because of illness are too ill to be at Leary Family Child Care.


Field Trips and Outings

Field trips are excellent experiences for children. The responsibility for the children's safety is our first concern. An extra adult is needed in order to schedule field trips. If you as a parent would like to volunteer to come along please let us know. If off-site activities are held, written parental permission will be required except for short walks in the neighborhood or short emergency errands. The caregiver will carry emergency information for each child on the field trip.


Guidance in Morals and Manners

Children will be taught to ask a prayer for a blessing on the food. Children will learn about their Heavenly Father who loves them and will learn to be accepting of everyone's beliefs and cultures. Kindness is shown in our actions and words to each other. Every child here is our friend and we do not hurt each other. Foul language and sexually explicit materials are not permitted.


Guidance Policy

At the Leary Family Child Care discipline consists of positive reinforcement, redirection, and in extreme situations, thinking time or the loss of a privilege. The use of physical punishment is never permitted. The caregiver will help children become self-disciplined by showing how their behavior affects others. The children are encouraged to talk out their differences and learn to problem solve through communication. Rules are simple, clearly stated, and appropriate to the age of the child. Children are given positive comments on their behavior.

As your partner in caring for your child, it is important for good communication to exist between parents and caregiver. If your child is experiencing a change in the home environment that may result in behavioral differences, let us know as soon as possible. We will keep you informed of any behavioral problems. Every concerning your child a Leary Family Child Care. Every effort will be made to resolve any problems that may occur. Leary Family Child Care reserves the right to ask you to make alternative arrangements for your child.



State law requires that every child in child day care have a current Utah School Immunization Record (USIR - Pink card) on file for each child which must be updated when immunizations are received. A health assessment is also completed yearly by the parent.


Hours of Operation

6:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Monday - Friday

Leary Family Child Care will be closed in observance of the following holidays:

There is no reduction in rates for these holidays. The caregiver is paid for all of these days off. When one of these holidays falls on a Saturday, the holiday will be taken on Friday. If the holiday falls on Sunday, it will be taken on Monday.

The caregiver will take two weeks vacation per year for which the parent does not have to pay. Parents will receive at least two weeks advance notice. Parents are responsible to find child care on these days. Usually one week is during June and one week is during August. If payment is made by the month, reduce the regular monthly payment to ¾ of the regular amount.

If a family needs to be temporarily absent from the program on any days in addition to those mentioned above, the family must pay the full price of regular care.



Leary Family Child Care will not care for ill children except when the child shows signs of illness after arrival. Children who show signs of illness are kept separate from the other children when possible to prevent infection. Parents will be notified immediately and will be expected to pick up sick children within one hour of notification. Parents should notify the provider if the child has been ill during the evening, morning, or weekend before returning to the program or when any contagious disease occurs in the family. Notify our home by phone by 8:00 a.m. if child is not coming for the day.

All parents will be given written notification when any communicable disease is discovered in the child care home on the day of its discovery. Such information shall be conferred in a manner which protects the confidentiality of caregiver and children. The caregiver will report any signs of neglect or abuse of a child promptly as outlined by state law. Illnesses reportable by law will be reported.


Infection Control

All children are taught to wash their hands with soap and warm running water before and after eating and toileting. The caregiver will wash and scrub her hands before and after preparing food and toileting or diapering children. A clean towel will be used to dry hands.


Meals and Snacks

Leary Family Child Care provides meals and snacks at least every three hours according to the nutrition requirements of US Department of Agriculture Child Care Food Program. If a special diet is required for a child, the required food must be supplied by the parent. The parent supplies formula for infants. Special days will be observed (e.g. birthday, holidays) and the child may bring treats to help celebrate on those days. Please let the caregiver know in advance if a treat will be provided by your child. Food brought in by parents for service to other children must be commercially prepared.

The following meals and snacks will be offered in the family child care home:

Breakfast until 8:30 a.m.

Morning snack between 9:00-9:30 a.m.

Lunch at 11:30 a.m.

Afternoon snack at 2:30-3:00 p.m.

Dinner at 4:30 p.m.

Meals are served only at posted times. Late arriving children will not be served unless special arrangements have been made.

Laura Leary carries a current food handlers permit from the health department.


Medication Policy

Medications may be administered to children by the caregiver. The medication must be in the original or pharmacy container, include the child's name and have a child proof cap, and have instructions for administration. The parent or guardian must complete a medication release each day for each child receiving medications at the child care home which form can be found on the sign-in clipboard. If you are concerned about forgetting the medication at the end of the day, the pharmacist will provide another bottle with the typed prescription if you request it. Please bring medications in a ziplocked bag labeled with the child's name.

The caregiver documents in writing each dosage given which documentation is also located on the sign-in clipboard. Medications shall be secured from access to children and medicines stored in the refrigerator shall be in containers with tight-fitting lids. Any unused medication will be returned to the parent or disposed of properly.



Children are not required to nap unless a nap is needed. The caregiver will discuss this with the parents but reserves the right to make "on the spot" decisions about the need for a nap. During the afternoon from 12:00 until 2:00 p.m. the children who do not nap will have "quiet time" and be able to watch a video or play with quiet toys. Sleeping children will be checked every 15 minutes.


Open Door Policy

There is a parent drop in policy. Parents are invited any time for activities, field trips, or just to visit. However, for security for your children the doors will usually be locked while child care is in operation. Just ring the bell. Stop by and see us and participate with us whenever you wish. Be aware that smoking, the use of alcohol, ingesting any substance that impairs judgment or is illegal is strictly prohibited in the child care home and on the property.


Payment Policy


  • 0-24 months
  • 2 years and older
  • First grade and older
  • Monthly:
  • $500.00
  • $400.00
  • $400.00

School children in first grade or older may pay a monthly fee of $400.00 provided they are enrolled in the program on a yearly basis.

Payment is due before the end of the day/week/month it is accrued. A fee of $5.00 will be charged for every day the payment is late past the day/week/month it is accrued.

Enrollment is automatically canceled on the first day of the new day/week/month if payment is not made when due. Receipts will be given upon request. Payment obligation is based on the time the contract reserves for the child whether or not the child actually attends during that time. According to state licensing law, child care has a limited enrollment and your position is reserved exclusively for your child. It is necessary to charge a fee of $15.00 for any returned check. After two returned checks, caregiver will have to do business on a cash basis only. No credit card payments are accepted.

The fee for overtime care when a parent arrives after 6:30 p.m. is $5.00 for every fifteen minutes late. Overtime charges are due on the day they are incurred.

No extra charge will be made for food, snacks, treats, parties, gifts, field trips, toys, supplies, arts, crafts or transportation.

Laura Leary will give parents a receipt of payments for income tax purposes by the end of January every year. Social Security Number for Laura Leary is available upon request.


Personnel and Staffing

The director and only employee of the Leary Family Child Care is Laura Leary. She handles all aspects of the program. Laura Leary is state licensed to care for six preschool and two school aged children at one time in the day care home. Additional children may be enrolled depending upon their schedule of attendance. Health screening of Laura Leary has been conducted and she has been properly immunized and tested for TB which was negative. Leary Family Child Care has been licensed and in business since August 1, 1986. A Bureau of Criminal Identification screening has been conducted on every adult in the child care home and there is no criminal record. Laura Leary receives a minimum of 20 hours of documented in-service training annually and has current First Aid and CPR certification.



  1. A Child Day Care Register must be completed and kept up-to-date. Give prompt notice of change in address or telephone numbers at home or work.
  2. A contract must be signed upon enrollment and whenever updated which contract states that you have read and agree to comply with this Parent's Handbook.
  3. A Food Program application form must be completed.
  4. An immunization record. Please remember to update this form as immunizations are received.
  5. A yearly health assessment must be completed by the parents.

All children's records are kept confidential. Parents may request access to their child's records, however the original documents are the property of Leary Family Child Care.


School Aged Children

Transportation to and from school is not provided. Parents will make arrangements for their children to travel to school and to arrive at the child care home after school.

If the school aged child has not arrived at the child care home within 60 minutes following the end of school, the parents will be notified. If the parents cannot be reached, the caregiver will contact the school to see if the child left the school. If the child is not at the school, the police will be notified that the child is missing.



Children are signed in and out by the person bringing or picking them up with the time and date recorded. This is for liability purposes and serves as a transfer of responsibility. The caregiver needs to visit with parents when they come and when they leave every day. Never leave a child in the child care home without letting the caregiver know. The caregiver may sign in and out children to attend school. Only the parents or a person with written authorization from the parents may take child except that verbal authorization to the caregiver from the parent may be used in emergency situations.

Children will not be allowed to leave the yard unless signed out or when accompanied by the caregiver. Children cannot leave to go play at friends' houses when they are signed in the child care home.


Toilet Training

Please bring disposable diapers and wipes for children still wearing diapers. Children who are toilet training must wear pull-ups or diapers until they have become dependable. Clothing that is easy to manage encourages independence and self help. Many toileting accidents will be avoided when children can buckle and unbutton pants without a struggle. Children must bring extra changes of clothing to be used in case of accidents or spills. Toilet training and weaning from the bottle and pacifier must be initiated by the parent and will be followed through by the caregiver.

While using restroom facilities, preschool children will be supervised by an adult while school children will be given proper privacy.


Your Child's Adjustment

It is normal for your child to have some fears about being away from you. Children, like adults, need to become accustomed to new situations. Try to prepare your child for the changes by visiting Leary Family Child Care with your child. Talk about what your child will do here. A cheerful good-bye kiss from you, a smile, a reassuring word that you will return after work is all that you need to do. Usually the child settles down shortly after the parent leaves. Many activities are offered to provide a transition for your child during these uncomfortable moments. Feel free to call anytime throughout the day if you have any questions or concerns.

Dear Parents,

Thank you for choosing Leary Family Child Care services. This child care home tries to provide a comfortable and loving environment for your child. We realize that your child is one of your greatest treasures. You need to know that your child is in a safe, secure and loving home.

You are essential to the success of this program. You are invited to visit often, share your ideas, interests and talents with us. We want you to know that our busy, happy, noisy, creative atmosphere is a powerful learning environment. We want you to realize the validity of play and the importance of what is being learned.

This handbook is designed to acquaint you with the policies and procedures established by Leary Family Child Care. In addition to these policies, this child care home is operated in accordance with Utah State licensing regulations and requirements. Please read and refer to this booklet often. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.

Thank You,

Laura Leary

About Birthday and Christmas Gifts

I enjoy giving a small gift for birthdays and Christmas. The birthday gift is from our whole group and the other children don't give birthday gifts to the birthday child. Children do not usually exchange Christmas gifts with each other. If you want your child to give something to each of his friends here, don't expect a gift in return.

If your child wishes to give me a present for Christmas or my birthday, I would love to receive something your child has made himself or a snapshot of your child. I can always use glue sticks but I never eat chocolate and don't like perfume or candles. Simple is nice. I believe that "It's the thought that counts."

I know that lives can be hectic for parents who work so we try to enjoy these special days without making too much trouble for the grownups.

(Please read the Meals and Snacks section about bringing treats.)


West Jordan, UT 84084

Phone (801) 255-4198

E-mail: ljleary@juno.commailbox1.gif (16165 bytes)